
ASTRO 2022: Differences in Physician Assessment of Sexual Dysfunction in Women and Men Receiving Brachytherapy for Genitourinary Cancers
Posted: 11/07/2022 | By: Melissa E. Fryman, MS

In patients receiving brachytherapy for the treatment of genitourinary cancers, is women’s sexual health being assessed in the clinic at the same rate as their male counterparts? Takayesu et al examined this question in a report presented at the 2022 American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Annual Meeting (Abstract 2306).

Question 1 of 5

Brachytherapy is an important treatment for gynecological and prostate cancers. Unfortunately, brachytherapy often leads to long-term risk of sexual dysfunction, which affects about ___ of women and about ___ of men.

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